The future is unison / a personal note from me

It has come to the attention of the World this over complexity of gender, born identities and the confusing juxtaposition as a whole on who and why we are here & the 'roles' that we play. Funny thing about gender, its a form of a life all in its own: you are meant to become someone because of your gender, and the attributes that you are told you have (pretty or strong) adhere themselves rapidly as you were young, to your brain, to those muscles or the dimples on your face: that, that, is what you are and solely that. In that household of beings, that label, that frame... stay there, don't move.

We are so accustomed in telling a young girl she is beautiful first before mentioning anything else ( I do it! ) but why? Look in our magazines, read the headlines in the check out counter. A women's gender identity is based on her physic. How toned is your skin? How luxurious is your hair? Let's see how we can make you more 'summer ready'. In comparison to gender roles of 'other articles' where we see handsome strong men rock climbing, beautiful women draped over a man who is a hit DJ (my eye roll), parties where a woman in tiny clothing is serving men who are on vacation (because they can afford it). 


I am really sick of it. Sick of looking in the mirror without makeup and noticing how tired I look... well, Ashley, ( I tell myself ) you look tired because you're always seeing yourself or other women with makeup on: eyelids open, those tricks on the brow line, that contouring under the chin & its not natural. People, its exhausting. 

(Exhausting at least, for me. I am not bashing on makeup or people who wear it- just... where did we get the super expensive habit of going to Sephora to make us look better for... men?)

We are here at a crossroads of gender unison, seeing that a women can climb mount Everest, be a mother to three, have a full-time career as an entrepreneur and have it all. She can be a manager to other people including the opposite sex. Yes, and so can men. But this crossroads is opening up, "allowing", the gender equality to really be set as a marker, in history, that we are as one. We are in unison. 

What is the solution on something like this that you can customize for yourself on the daily? When approaching children, we dig deeper to who they are instead of generalizing who we think they already have become... because we are molding them (and we are still being molded as adults). 

Maybe we can talk about that they are with mom, what did they do that day? Who are they in that moment, because kids don't need anything more than the moment they are in. Maybe they're helping out with the youngest sibling; looks like they went to the park: "whats your favorite ride at the park?"

The future is unison. Lets make it happen so our Universe can get there quicker.