Energy Project intro
I believe in energy; the energy from your past and the intention and energy of your future. I believe in reincarnation, not only in past or future lives but just in the life you live now. We all seem to
I want to capture the essence of energy left behind, the igniting space you make when you enter a room. I want to capture the love you have been searching for, the person who you were... to the person you're becoming.
When I look back on my life, all those me's seem like a whole other person. My authentic self has stayed the same, but the World inside changed the way I see the World, out.
Energy Project & YOU
You don't need to believe in anything merely than the essence of you, where you have come and where you want to be. Funny isn't it? The freedom of thought and its decision to be.
However you see fit to be a part of this series, I am honored. Your story is entirely up to you.
You. Who is that?
Pieces of the puzzle
I will be using film to capture the project. Without you and your own story, there is no project. Be open with your answers, be involved as much as you'd like... there is no wrong. It just is!
What to expect
All images of our time together, yours. I will be sending a digital file download for you! Depending on having a show or where this project can take place, sharing options might be limited as of now.