Alexandria Lee for A N O N Y M O S magazine
A new rising magazine is taking shape in Las Vegas and I have been appointed creative control alongside my partner, Alina. We approached Ali with us coming into her home and photographing her World in a raw state of artistry on both ends. This compilation will be a phenomenal way for our residences as well as our travelers to this city to incorporate more to what we offer here & offering even more of it as our city continues to grow.
Ali is a performer, an installation artist and a painter.
W W W. A L E X A N D R I A L E E . C O M
“My artwork is about my passion for freedom; freedom as it pertains to each individual in his or her own personal life as well as it pertains to people as a collective society. I see freedom as the elemental factor to all things good in life. I express this through my paintings by exploring the struggles, the hopes and the fears that come with breaking through oppression. In order for freedom to be achieved, truth must be found, so I also explore the means by which we get our information. Some paintings are based on specific political issues. Some are about issues we deal with inside of ourselves. I intend my paintings to read like a story, the more you look at it, the deeper you delve; the more is revealed.”
She is now performing in a fantastic interactive play MOTEL.
Purchase tickets here